Snow Removal
The responsibility for providing snow and ice control for the City’s major and local streets, parking lots, and M-125 rests entirely with the Department of Public Services (DPS). Snow removal on I-75, US-24, and M-50 within the City’s boundaries is the responsibility of the Michigan Department of Transportation via contract services.
Snow and ice control is considered emergency work in that streets must be cleared any time of the day or night. Because of the potential hazard to the motoring public and high incidence of overtime involved in this program, careful planning and preparation must be done prior to the snow and ice season. This planning process is made considerably more difficult due to the variable conditions encountered during each storm. Such things as the rate and accumulation of snowfall, moisture content, temperature, time of day or night, wind direction and velocity, and duration are all factors that interact to create a unique aspect for each storm with the result that no two storms are identical.
The full text of the City’s Snow Removal Policy can be found below, as well as a map of the City’s Major Street System, which dictates prioritization of snow removal efforts.