Citizens Planning Commission

Citizen Planning Commission

Staff Contact: Matthew Vanisacker, Deputy Director of Economic and Community Development & Neighborhood Services Coordinator
[email protected]

The Citizens Planning Commission (CPC) offers direction on a variety of matters pertaining to land use in the City of Monroe. These include but are not limited to zoning and rezoning, site plan review, approval of special uses, the Capital Improvements Plan, land divisions and vacations of streets, alleys and easements.

The CPC meets the second Monday of each month, as business warrants. To be placed on the CPC agenda, an appropriate application must be completed with applicable fees paid in full by the application deadline.

The CPC meets in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 7:00 pm.

The CPC consists of nine (9) members who are residents of the City of Monroe and appointed by the Mayor. Once appointed, Commissioners serve a term of three (3) years. If a vacancy occurs during a Commissioner's term, it will be filled for the completion of that term. When such vacancies occur, city residents can express interest in filling the vacancy by completing an application and submitting it to the Mayor's Office.

Current Citizens Planning Commission Members:

Stephen Swartz, Chairman
Andrew Dewimille
Michael Madison, Jr.
Jack McDonough
Adam Seipelt
Patricia White
J. Joel Williamson

Council Liaison -Kellie M. Vining