ProMedica Monroe Regional Hospital along with other area first responder partners will be holding a mass casualty exercise on Thursday, September 13, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The exercise will be conducted at the hospital and near the City/County Government Plaza in downtown Monroe.
The mass casualty exercise objectives are designed to examine first responder on- scene triage procedures, as well as a review of the hospital’s Mass Casualty Plan and incident command protocols. Emergency disaster planning events are critical to maintaining appropriate community preparedness and ensuring adequate first responder capacity and resources in the unfortunate event a real incident occurs.
The exercise will involve the closure of the City Hall parking lot on the northwest corner of North Macomb and East Second Streets. Further, on street parking will be prohibited on the west side of North Macomb Street between East First and East Second Streets.
Parking will also be restricted on East Second Street between North Macomb Street and the City Hall parking lot entrance. The parking lot closure and parking restrictions will be in effect beginning at 7:00 a.m. the day of the exercise and are expected to end around approximately 12:00 noon.
Normal City Hall and Courthouse operations will not be impacted, and both facilities will remain open regular business hours during the training exercise. Hospital operations will also resume as normal with no direct impact on patient care.
People in the area should expect to see an unusual amount of emergency vehicles and first responders, as well as volunteers simulating victims with mock injuries. While the training exercise scenario includes an act of terrorism occurring in the Monroe County Courthouse, the exercise is strictly scenario based and there will not be a simulation of an actual terrorist attack.