We have launched a new, user friendly City of Monroe web site!
Developed in partnership with the CivicLive, the new site captures the spirit of the city and puts detailed government information at your fingertips. Newer features along with updated content have been redesigned to make it easy to find what you are looking for. Significant changes to the visual design allow us to showcase our brand and our beautiful community, providing us a new way to see the city.
In order to better serve you, we’ve updated the information available on the site, organized the content with the user in mind, improved navigation and provided more options for customer self-service. The new site boasts a fresh, branded look, improved navigation, and a functional design to enhance the quality and availability of information/resources, while showcasing our community.
Many key features of the new website can be accessed directly from the new dynamic homepage that includes an “I Want To” tab connects you with immediate answers to your questions and the most requested information and links across City departments.
Improved website features include:
- Navigation organization that is aligned with how community members would look for items.
- Structured mega menu, quick links, and other navigation elements for easy access to the most important information, improving user experience.
- Home page reorganized to most frequently accessed topics in the center of the page as per usage analytics.
- Visually assistive navigation with icons and custom images, ensuring that the site is accessible to a wide variety of users.
- A new ‘Report an Issue’ tool that easily allows residents to report issues within the community and be informed of progress.
- Dynamic and highly graphic banners on each page that showcase Monroe’s beauty with plenty of image content.
- Simplified access to city documents.
- Customized department landing pages that highlight key services, reports and other relevant links.
- Updated calendar of community meetings and events that can be filtered.
- Responsive web design
ADA compliance
We’re excited for a lot of the new content that’s going to be coming out soon - including a City of Monroe app that will allow you to report concerns and stay connected.
Stay tuned!