Residents are invited to attend a community-wide open house on Tuesday, September 18th, in the lobby of City Hall - 120 East First Street in Downtown Monroe to help determine priorities for its parks and recreation programming. All are welcome to drop in at any time between 3:00PM and 6:00PM.
The City is in the process of updating the 5-year parks and recreation plan outlining parks and recreation improvements for the next five years. An essential task in the plan update process is to determine the needs and desires of city residents through public feedback sessions and surveys. Some of the recommendations being considered in the new plan include the implementation of the park development plans the city has recently prepared, as well as the update of park facilities and playgrounds throughout the neighborhood parks.
Previous recommendations which were recently accomplished included: increased maintenance of the parks; repair or removal of court games and play equipment in poor conditions; addition of park amenities including bike fix-it stations, picnic tables and benches; preparation of master plans for six of the major city parks; and the repurposing of the Multi-Sports Complex and several parks in accordance with the River Raisin Heritage Corridor Plan.
The updated plan serve as a road map to set priorities and allocate resources through 2023, and will also meet the Michigan DNR park planning standards, maintaining the city’s eligibility to apply for valuable state grants.