
Coronavirus COVID-19
Posted on 06/22/2021

Coronavirus COVID-19

UPDATE JUNE 9, 2021:  Following the rescission of State of Michigan Emergency Orders in response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, which went into effect June 22, 2021, at 12:01 AM, Monroe City Council passed a resolution at their June 21st meeting to terminate the local State of Emergency (SOE) instated by Mayor Robert E. Clark on Sunday, March 15th, 2020. The action also rescinds all associated pandemic related resolutions.

The State of Emergency officially ends Friday, June 25th, 2021, at 5:00 PM.

The official Termination of the Declaration of Emergency was signed by Mayor Clark on Tuesday, June 22nd, 11:06 AM.

Mayor Robert E. Clark: “Over the past year, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our community as a whole. Through concerted efforts by the State of Michigan, Monroe County, and the City of Monroe, in addition to participation by our residents, we have arrived at a time wherein previously established safeguards can be eased. I’m extremely comfortable and confident in terminating the State of Emergency in the City of Monroe at this time. As we move forward into this post-pandemic period, we should all remain vigilant and continue to take necessary precautions.”

Any meetings after the State of Emergency (SOE) is rescinded will continue to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, which in the lack of a declared SOE, will return to in-person gatherings. The return to in-person city council meetings in the Council Chambers of City Hall will begin Tuesday, July 6th, and will be open to the public to attend. Individuals who choose to attend meetings are not required to wear a face covering, although they certainly may choose to wear a mask based on their comfort level.

The public should continue to regularly monitor the City’s website, Facebook page, MyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel 18/Comcast, and local media for updates.

A full copy of the press release concerning the above, including the language of the order and resolution, can be found via the link below.

UPDATE: June 2, 2020

UPDATE June 2, 2020: Prior to the June 1, 2020 meeting of the City Council, the City Administration proposed COVID Resolution #8 which recommended operational changes pursuant to Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders that were in effect at that time of the issuance of the agenda for the meeting.

In the hours immediately preceding the Council meeting, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order #2020-110 significantly modifying the Governor’s previously issued “stay at home” orders.  On the recommendation of the City Administration, the City Council approved COVID Resolution #8, but also scheduled a special meeting for June 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via the zoom video conferencing platform to discuss Executive Order 2020-110 and future operations of the City, including building openings, park operations, recreational programs, downtown business reopening, and other related items.

COVID-19 Resolution #8 details the following:

  • All City of Monroe facilities will remain closed through June 14th, 2020, at 11:59 PM.This will be pending further analysis of Governor Whitmer’s recently released Executive Order 2020-110, and possible policy changes thereof to be discussed at the City Council Special Meeting to take place June 8, 2020, at 6:00 PM. Essential critical and emergency City operations are not affected by the Governor’s Order and will remain in operation.This includes Police, Fire, Water Plant, and Wastewater Plant operations.
  • City Council and/or other public meetings of committees, commissions, etc., will continue to be held via remote or technological means through June 30th, if Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-75 remains in effect.This will be pending possible extension of the order, or other similar Executive Order or legislative action permitting the conduct of public meetings remotely.This includes, but is not limited to, the special meeting presently scheduled for June 8, 2020 at 6:00 PM.
  • Online payment processing fees in amounts of less than $1,000.00 from citizens or businesses to the City of Monroe are eliminated and/or waived to the maximum extent possible during the duration of the State of Emergency relating to COVID-19 as declared by the Mayor of the City of Monroe on March 15, 2020. This includes, but not limited to, water bills, recreation fees, and building department permits or applications, but excludes the payment of any real property or personal property tax payments.For the avoidance of any doubt, all real property or personal property tax payments made online are subject to online processing or convenience fees.
  • COVID-19 Resolution #8 contains several adjustments to parks and recreation programs and events.These recent motions included the following:all City recreation programs scheduled or anticipated through September 9, 2020 are cancelled; all City park reservations through September 9, 2020 are cancelled and no further reservations shall be accepted through September 9, 2020; all special events requiring City approval through September 9, 2020, are cancelled and no special event permit applications shall be approved through September 9, 2020.

As previously mentioned,  City Council has scheduled a Special Meeting for Monday, June 8, 2020, at 6:00 PM via the Zoom video conferencing platform to discuss the Governor’s most recent order and its possible implications on building opening/closures, parks and recreation programs, downtown business reopening, etc.  

The City of Monroe reminds residents that they can participate in public meetings remotely. Virtual City Council meetings will be live streamed to the City’s YouTube Channel,, as well as Comcast Cable Communications Channel 18 and 915, and on Charter Communications Channel 190.Participation information, in addition to the upcoming schedule of meetings can be found on the home page of the City’s website.

The public should continue to regularly monitor the City’s website, Facebook pageMyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel: channel (18/Comcast or 190/Charter), and local media for updates.

UPDATE: May 12, 2020

UPDATE May 12, 2020: In accordance with Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order #2020-77 that extends Michigan’s Stay Home, Stay Safe order to May 28th to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Monroe City Council has adjusted previously released procedural changes.

At their Monday, May 11, special meeting, Monroe City Council approved COVID-19 Resolution #7.  The resolution details the following:

  • All City of Monroe facilities will remain closed through June 7th, 2020, at 11:59 PM. Essential critical and emergency City operations are not affected by the Governor’s Order and will remain in operation.This includes Police, Fire, Water Plant, and Wastewater Plant operations.
  • City Council and/or other public meetings of committees, commissions, etc., will continue to be held via remote or technological means through June 30, 2020, provided that Executive Order 2020-75 remains in effect.

The City of Monroe reminds residents that they can participate in public meetings remotely. Virtual City Council meetings will be live streamed to the City’s YouTube Channel,, as well as Comcast Cable Communications Channel 18 and 915, and on Charter Communications Channel 190.Participation information, in addition to the upcoming schedule of meetings can be found on the home page of the City’s

The public should continue to regularly monitor the City’s website (, Facebook page, MyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel: channel (18/Comcast or 190/Charter), and local media for updates.

UPDATE: May 5, 2020

UPDATE May 5, 2020: In accordance with Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order #2020-70 (Stay Home/Stay Safe extension) issued on May 1 to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Monroe City Council has adjusted previously released procedural changes, as well added additional modifications to City operations.

At their Monday, May 4, meeting, Monroe City Council approved COVID-19 Resolution #6.  The resolution details the following:

  • All City of Monroe facilities will remain closed through May 18th, 2020, at 11:59 PM. Essential critical and emergency City operations are not affected by the Governor’s Order and will remain in operation.This includes Police, Fire, Water Plant, and Wastewater Plant operations.
  • All City park reservations through August 30, 2020, have been cancelled and no further reservations will be accepted through August 30, 2020.
  • All special events requiring City approval through August 30, 2020, are cancelled and no special event permit applications will be approved through August 30, 2020.
  • The City’s Summer Concert Series in St. Mary’s Park for the summer of 2020 season is cancelled.
  • City skate parks located within Munson Park and at the former Multi-Sports Complex are closed.
  • City Council and/or other public meetings of committees, commissions, etc., will continue to be held via remote or technological means pending the extension of Governor Whitmir’s Executive Order 2020-48 or other similar Executive Order or legislative action permitting the conduct of public meetings remotely.This includes, but is not limited to, the meetings presently scheduled for May 18, 2020 (work session at 6:00 p.m. and regular City Council meeting at 7:30 p.m.).

The City of Monroe reminds residents that they can participate in public meetings remotely. Virtual City Council meetings will be live streamed to the City’s YouTube Channel,, as well as Comcast Cable Communications Channel 18 and 915, and on Charter Communications Channel 190.Participation information, in addition to the upcoming schedule of meetings can be found on the home page of the City’s

Additionally, Waste Management has announced that ‘bulk item’ collection will begin again the week of Monday, May 11, 2020.  Bulk items consist of large household items such as appliances, furniture, mattresses, and other objects that are too large to fit in a garbage bin.  Due to anticipated heavy volumes during the week, some bulk stops may not be picked up on the regular service day.  Waste Management crews will work to recover the material as quickly thereafter as possible based on crew availability.

The public should continue to regularly monitor the City’s website (, Facebook page, MyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel: channel (18/Comcast or 190/Charter), and local media for updates.

UPDATE: April 16, 2020

In accordance with Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order #2020-42 (Stay Home/Stay Safe) issued on Thursday, April 9th, to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the City announces the following updated procedural changes:

  • At the Wednesday, April 15th Special Meeting, Monroe City Council passed a resolution stating that all City of Monroe facilities will remain closed through May 11th, 2020 at 11:59 PM. Essential critical and emergency City operations are not affected by the Governor’s Order and will remain in operation.This includes Police, Fire, Water Plant, and Wastewater Plant operations.
  • The May 5th Election is scheduled to proceed with the Monroe Public School ballot question.City Hall will be the only precinct open on election day for in-person absentee voting, wherein the voter assist terminal will be available for voters in need of assistance. The Clerk’s Office encourages residents to please continue to return absentee applications by mail, email, or the City Hall Drop Box located in the parking lot adjacent to the building
  • As per Chapter 712 of the City's Code, the City of Monroe does not begin enforcement of high grass and weeds ordinance until May 1st annually.The Governor's current executive order, which deems landscaping and mowing contractors as non-essential, is currently effective through April 30th. As such and during this time, the City is evaluating the appropriate actions that will need to be taken in the event Governor Whitmer extends the order past April 30th and pertinent decisions will be announced to the public if needed.Further, in accordance with the Executive Order, the firm contracted for mowing some city-owned property has ceased work until the order is lifted, however, City personnel have continued normal maintenance of City Parks as permitted by the Executive Order. 
  • Yard waste collection will begin again the week of Monday, April 20th, 2020.Due to anticipated heavy volumes during the week, some yard waste stops may not be picked up on the regular service day.Waste Management crews will work to recover the material as quickly thereafter as possible based on crew availability. The suspension of bulk collection remains in place at this time until further notice. Bulk Collection includes, but is not limited to, furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances, etc. 
  • The City of Monroe reminds residents that all City Council meetings and necessary board/committee/commission meetings will be conducted as virtual meetings until further notice. Meetings will be open remotely to the public to follow along and participate during the Public Comment section of the agenda.Virtual City Council meetings will be live streamed to the City’s YouTube Channel,, as well as Comcast Cable Communications Channel 18 and 915, and on Charter Communications Channel 190.Participation information, in addition to the upcoming schedule of meetings can be found on the home page of the City’s 

The public should continue to regularly monitor the City’s website (, Facebook page, MyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel: channel (18/Comcast or 190/Charter), and local media for updates.

UPDATE: March 26, 2020

In accordance with Governor Whitmir’s Executive Order #2020-21 (Stay Home/Stay Safe) issued on Monday, March 23, to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the City of Monroe refuse and recycling service provider, Waste Management, has announced temporary changes to their service delivery program. 

In light of issued recommendations that non-essential employees shelter in place and work from home when possible to promote social distancing, Waste Management has significantly reduced its “field” work force and is focusing on the performance of essential services only during this unprecedented emergency. 

In order for Waste Management to maintain its focus on municipal solid waste collection and disposal, and due to the reduced number of employees in the field, effective Monday, March 30, 2020, Waste Management is temporarily suspending the performance of the following services, which are non-essential during this period of emergency

  • Bulk pickup will be suspended beginning with the week of March 30, until further notice, but likely through at least the end of April.Bulk Collection includes, but is not limited to, furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances, etc.
  • Yard waste pickup will not start as previously scheduled on April 6, but will be suspended until further notice, but likely through at least the end of April. Yard Waste Collection includes, but is not limited to, grass clippings, brush, tree limbs, etc.
  • Recycling collection will continue on schedule.However, due to a closure of a third-party regional recycling facility as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, recycling materials may be temporarily disposed in a landfill until the recycling facility reopens.If residents experience delays on any particular day, please leave refuse at the curb and it will be collected as soon as possible.

When the Declarations of Emergency and social distancing recommendations have been eased and Waste Management’s work force returns to pre-pandemic levels, these services will be restarted. Waste Management will provide the City notice when the service(s) will resume.  

Residents should monitor the City’s website ( City’s Facebook page, MyMonroe app push notifications, the City’s government channel: channel (18/Comcast or 190/Charter), and local media for updates.

    UPDATE: March 24, 2020

    In accordance with Governor Whitmir’s Executive Order #2020-21 (Stay Home/Stay Safe) issued on Monday, March 23, to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the City announces the following additional procedural changes: 

    • All City of Monroe facilities will remain closed through April 13, 2020. 
    • Essential critical and emergency City operations are not affected by the Governor’s Order and will remain in operation.  This includes Police, Fire, Water Plant, and Wastewater Plant operations. 
    • The May Election is scheduled to proceed with the Monroe Public School ballot question.  The Clerk-Treasurer’s Office is working with the Secretary of State and Bureau of Elections on further details.  Please continue to return absentee applications by mail or the City Hall Drop Box located in the parking lot adjacent to building. 
    • The demolition of the former La-Z-Boy headquarters and construction of Labor Park improvements have been postponed.  Neither of these construction projects meet the definition of "essential critical infrastructure" and therefore cannot proceed for the duration of the Governor's order. 
    • The City of Monroe Building Department will limit its permit and inspections to only emergency related items. Effective Wednesday, March 25th the Building Department will operate accordingly: 
    • New building permits applications will not be accepted until April 13, 2020.
    • Contractors with open permits requiring inspections shall schedule an appointment by contacting the Building Department by phone at 734-384-9186 or by e-mail at [email protected] provide at least 48 hours advanced notice for inspection.
    • Trade permit applications for emergency repairs will be accepted on-line with payment on-line as well.This would include furnace replacements, plumbing, electrical, roof replacements, and similar emergency related repairs.
    • All trade permit applications shall be submitted by licensed contractors

    UPDATE: March 17, 2020

    At the Monday, March 16th meeting, City Council approved the appointment of City Manager Vincent Pastue as the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator to establish an Incident Command Structure and designate the necessary officers to execute the management of Emergency Operations.

    The Declaration of the State of Emergency also requires a succession plan be developed for city government.  As such, in the event Mayor Robert E. Clark is unable to discharge the duties of the office of Mayor at any time during the duration of the State of Emergency, Councilmember John Iacoangeli was appointed to discharge the duties of the office of Mayor.

    The following operational changes were also passed via resolution.  These are in addition to the measures announced by the City of Monroe: 

    • City Hall and all City facilities will remain closed to non-emergency employees and visitors through Tuesday, April 7, with a potential reopening of Wednesday, April 8.These publicly accessible facilities include: City Hall, Monroe Police Department lobby (emergencies only), Monroe Fire Department lobbies (emergencies only), Opportunity Center at the Arthur Lesow Community Center, Sawyer House, the Navarre and Dorsch branches of the Monroe County Library System, and the Battlefield Visitor Center (until further notice; grounds and parking areas remain open).  The opening, closing, and/or occupation of any of the above buildings will be determined at the discretion of the City Manager/Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
    • All online processing fees associated with online submission of payments in amounts of less than $1,000.00 from citizens or businesses to the City of Monroe will be eliminated and/or waived during the duration of the State of Emergency to the maximum extent possible. This includes, but is not limited to, water bills, recreation fees, and building department permits or applications. To the extent such fees are unable to be immediately waived due to software or vendor timeframes for implementation, such fees shall be refunded to the payor as soon as practicable.

    • All board and commission meetings through April 8 are cancelled.This includes the previously scheduled April 6, 2020, City Council work session and meeting.

    • Playscapes and playground equipment will be closed to public use; public parks will remain open.

    Residents are encouraged to watch the Monday, March 16, City Council meeting for further information, including an additional statement from Mayor Clark.Council meetings are viewable on the City’s YouTube channel and also on the government channel, 18/Comcast or 190/Charter.

    Official City Press Release: March 17, 2020

    Full Resolution

    UPDATE: March 15, 2020

    On Sunday, March 15, at 6:00PM, Mayor Robert E. Clark signed a declaration of a State of Emergency in the City of Monroe. This declaration triggers the City’s internal organizational response as outlined and authorized in Chapter 52 of the City Code by creating the Office of Emergency Preparedness, activating the Emergency Operations Center, and the appointment of an Emergency Preparedness Coordinator to monitor developments and oversee the distribution of city resources as needed.

    Mayor Clark: “Administration, with the support of City Council, has been working diligently over the past several days to prepare for the inevitable moment the Coronavirus outbreak reaches our community. With the confirmation of the first presumptive positive case of COVID-19 in Monroe County announced last evening, I am issuing this Declaration of Emergency to aid the City in battling this highly infectious disease. This will create a more nimble and flexible government that is capable of meeting the challenges our community may face as this pandemic evolves. These decisions are not taken lightly, and are made with the health and welfare of all members of our community as a top priority and responsibility.” 

    City of Monroe administration has been working closely with the Monroe County Health Department (MCHD) and Monroe County Emergency Management Division (MCEMD) during this pandemic. Both the MCHD and the MCEMD are currently operating under the emergency declaration of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, as commenced on March 10, 2020. 

    Residents are encouraged to watch the City Council meeting from, Monday, March 16, at 7:30 PM for further information, including an additional statement from Mayor Clark. Council meetings are available on the City’s 
    YouTube channel and also on the government channel, 18/Comcast or 190/Charter.

    Official Press Release: March 15, 2020
    Full Declaration of State of Emergency


    UPDATE: March 14, 2020

    In accordance with the recommendations provided by the U.S. government and the State of Michigan, the City of Monroe is modifying certain operations to mitigate risks of the COVID-19 virus. These are in addition to the measures announced by the City of Monroe on Friday, March 13th. 

    Effective immediately: 

    • A moratorium is in effect for water utility shut offs through Monday, March 30th. Any services previously disconnected have been restored to ensure residents can take necessary preventative measures.
    • The City is in the process of suspending the service fee for online payments of utility and other bills until further notice. Residents are reminded on-time payments may be made online, via the drop box in the City Hall parking lot or the U.S. Postal Service. 
    • Water emergencies can be reported by calling 734.241.5947; wastewater related emergencies: 734.241.5926.
    • The rental inspection program is suspended until further notice.
    • The Mother-Son Bowling event scheduled for Sunday, March 22, is canceled.
    • The Recreation Department will still be processing league registrations received through the mail and drop box in the City Hall parking lot.
    • City parks will remain open to the public, but users are reminded to practice continued precautionary measures. Restrooms and water fountains will remain closed until further notice. Future programs will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and announcements will be made when appropriate. 
    • Special event applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
    • There is no change in refuse and recycling collection schedule. 
    • Building permits and other applications can still be submitted online through the City’s website and will be reviewed and processed in a timely manner. Inspections will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 
    • Service requests can be submitted through the City’s website or MyMonroe mobile app. There may be a slight delay in processing requests due to modified City operations.
    • The Pension Board and Post-Retirement Health Care Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18 will proceed as scheduled.
    • Staff necessary for continuity of operations during this public health emergency will continue working in a modified manner during this time.

    Please read the full press release below for a list of facilities affected and additional information:

    Official City Press Release: March 14, 2020

    UPDATE: March 13, 2020

    Protecting the health and welfare of the residents and employees of the City of Monroe is the top priority of the City Council and City Administration. In order to do so, and out of an abundance of caution, all city facilities will close to the public beginning Friday, March 13 at Noon, through Tuesday, March 17th. During this time, City administration will develop a response and continuity plan, evaluate facilities, supplies, sanitation, social distancing measures, and essential services the City must provide to ensure the long-term and reliable delivery of service to residents.

    Please read the full press release below for a list of facilities affected and additional information:

    Official City Press Release: March 13, 2020

    The City of Monroe administration team is closely monitoring this situation, and are currently reviewing City policy and procedures related to the pandemic response. We will continue to update our website and social media pages with information regarding impacts to the Monroe community as this situation evolves.

    Information about this outbreak is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at and

    Please refer to our dedicated page on the Coronavirus COVID-19 for additional information.

    The Monroe County Health Department has set up a COVID-19 hotline.  Please call 734.240.7860, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, if you have questions or concerns regarding coronavirus.  The hotline is not for specific medical questions. Please call 734-240-7832 with specific medical questions.

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