PCB Sediment Removal
In 1987, the River Raisin was designated a Great Lakes Area of Concern with PCBs in sediment the primary chemical of concern. In 1997, Ford Motor Company removed 20,000 cubic yards of highly PCB-contaminated sediment from the AOC, under USEPA order. From 1998-2002, the USEPA and MDEQ conducted post-remediation sediment monitoring, finding that high levels of PCBs remained. PCB contamination caused the following Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs): Restrictions on Fish/Wildlife Consumption, Bird/Animal Deformities/Reproduction Problems and Restrictions on Dredging.
To address these BUIs, the Great Lakes Legacy Act Agreement on April 3, 2012, provided $17.3 million for the remediation project. The USEPA Contaminated Sediment Project includes excavation of the Sterling State Park Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) then using it to dispose of PCB-contaminated sediment from the AOC. The use of the CDF required the removal of an equal volume (106,000 cubic yards) to preserve the capacity of the CDF for future navigation channel maintenance. Testing confirmed that 112,000 cubic yards of CDF material is inert and the material will be excavated, dewatered, stockpiled and used on the Ford property site. The total dredging volume from the river includes 109,000 cubic yards of material. The project was completed in early 2013. Additional work efforts continue.