Commission on the Environment and Water Quality

Commission on the Environment and Water Quality (COTE)

Staff Contact:
Barry LaRoy
[email protected]

COTE meets the second Thursday of every month at City Hall.

The Commission shall provide advice and make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager in regard to stewardship of the land and water resources within, or contiguous to the City of Monroe.

Commission on the Environment & Water Quality

Brian James Egen, Chair
Barry LaRoy, Vice Chair (Director of Water & Waste Water Utilities City of Monroe)
Dr. Julie Everly, Representative for Education
Michelle Germani, Resident (City Council Member representative)
Edward Kane, Resident
Richard Micka, Resident
Dan Stefanski, Resident
Richard 'Butch' Uhl, Resident

The River Raisin Public Advisory Council, nested under the COTE, is part of the Statewide Public Advisory Council (SPAC), formed in 1991, is comprised of one representative from each PAC in the remaining AOCs. The mission of the SPAC is to act as a forum to provide advice and input to Michigan EGLE on all aspects of the Areas of Concern program.

River Raisin Public Advisory Council

Barry LaRoy, Chair
Brian James Egen, Representative
Milward Beaudry, Representative Alternate
Dr. Julie Everly
Michelle Germani
Edward Kane
Meija Knafl (River Raisin Watershed Council)
Richard Micka
Dan Stefanski
Richard 'Butch' Uhl